
Sunday, 10 August 2014

The Name of Success

If all you desire is to become rich with or without the prerequisite that makes wealth accumulation possible because, you have neither the time, mindset, skills, or the plan to acquire riches, create a cooperative society or research and join a cooperative that meets with your desired path to financial prosperity.

What must you do today to gain access to unlimited amount of financial resources tomorrow or retire in a predetermined date with at least a six figure residual income without the use of your Identity, social status or your financial capabilities?

Do you wait for an accident to happen before acquiring Insurance? Do you wait to get a million dollar or more to know what to do with it? Do you move into an empty acre of land before your dream house is built? How about finding your dream job before going to school or getting the training required?

If no to the questions above then answer this, why do most of us wait until we are in pressing need of cash before laying the foundation that will provide the money we need? There are certain orders that must be in place for certain things to happen effortlessly.

Other than the obvious, (which is to belong) why do you think people really join Clubs, Cooperatives, Associations, Organizations, Networks, Societies, and Professional Bodies?

First and foremost, people join any form of organization to establish trust, and unite those with common interests under an umbrella.
 The Mind of Success is Greatness

Establish and follow standard operating procedures.

Take advantage of opportunity cost by benefiting from each other.

Anticipate and provide ongoing support and assistance to the needs of all members.

Provide easy and reliable access to members by communicating to the entire group as a single unit.

Provide products, services and or special incentives required by members to conduct their business and personal affairs in perfect harmony.

Provide a level playing field to all members in their quest to achieve ultimate financial freedom irrespective of age, gender, colour, creed, and or Social status.

Build a correlation that will provide ultimate financial freedom for all, that which will take members from where there are today to where they desire to be tomorrow.

Which do you think is easier, to get a €1,000,000 loan from a Bank, financial brokers, a loan shark or to get 1,000,000 members with the same interest to donate €1 each to address your business goals; this is the core value of a Online Profit Gazette.

Why do one thing a million times when you can do a million things once; a cooperative network will provide you the opportunity to do a million things once. With only twenty four hours in a day, there is a limit to what you can accomplish working alone, a cooperative society provides you time and income leverage; it is a vehicle that provides cooperators ultimate specialization in every field of human endeavour.

A cooperative setting provides opportunity cost that allows the utilization of the skills, specialization, labour, and resources of others to accomplish a desired end before remuneration is disbursed to all concerned.

 Online Profit Gazette

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