
Friday, 15 August 2014

How Do You Achieve Sustainable Online Success?

What will it take for you or someone you know to generate sustainable online income? Wealth must first happen in the mind before manifesting on the body. Any acquired fame and fortune that did not first happen within may eventually crumble like a structure assembled with deck of cards.

You are not who and where you are by some misguided unfortunate act of misfortune. You are who and where you are in order to learn from your circumstances so you may grow. If you feel your lot is a burden unjustly imposed and fail to learn from it, you shall probably remain who and where you are.

Within you, there are seeds of greatness; that you have not yet unveiled deeds of potential benefit to mankind mean you are a work in progress. You can achieve anything if you make up your mind completely and definitely to pursue your heart desires; just apply that creative talent given to you at birth to its fullest potential.

The mind is the pathway to universal abundance; if you are yet to acquired wealth, it means that somewhere along the line your mind have been disconnected from the source of wealth and prosperity. In order to reconnect and become one with the source, you must first become one with yourself.

Feed your mind with positive desires; create value for the benefit of others so that abundance of value can be added unto your life. If you provide others the opportunity to achieve that which you seek, whatever you seek will come to you with little or no effort.

Wherever your mind goes your body follows. The body caters to the needs of the mind. First take care of your mind; your mind will take care of the business that will launch your aspiration for sustainable online income on the path leading to a self fulfilling prophecy.

Without training your mind for success, without developing the mindset to succeed, success will elude you. It will be almost impossible for you to achieve success in any category that matters. The more you try to achieve your heart desires, the harder it will be. The closer you get to success, the further away it will become. When you think you have it figured out, you will realize how little you know.

Feed your mind with ideas and materials that produces positive energy. Do not engage in activities that generates immediate gratification. Concentrate your thoughts on what you desire and provide others how to achieve that which you seek. If financial freedom is the future you seek, visualize and believe, you will receive abundantly.

Do not hoard information that will benefit others in order to amass wealth. Derive no pleasure from the demise of others. Let every man or woman you come in daily contact feel the sense of growth. Give those you are privileged to associate more in value than you receive from them.

You might probably not make a penny more than you already have today, if intentionally or otherwise your daily actions add no value to the life of others. Give freely without expectation; wealth that knows no boundary shall visit your household.
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